Rachael HELPS! aka Rachael Hampton online portfolio

This Blog is Rachael Hampton's creative playground. 🛝

A space to play, test, and learn.

French children’s stories for beginners: Santa’s neighbor (Le voisin du père Noël)

Hey, We are back with our 2nd Storytelling ‘N French for you: Santa’s neighbor (Le voisin du père Noël) by Nathalie Kuperman and illustration by Claire Legrand, with the permission of Fleurus Presse based in Paris, France (a publisher of children and young adults magazines) and also the author Nathalie Kuperman. Before you dive in […]

Friends of all colors: A short story in French for self-learner

Friends of all colors: A short story in French for self-learner [Level A1-A2]

Here is another Storytelling’N French video added to our playlist, spoken by a native French speaker (HB). This video is great for learning French grammar and pronunciation. We made this video for the absolute beginner (A1 to A2) and self-learners. It’s to help them overcome learning difficulties in language studies. In this article, I’ll show […]

Changer de Maison children’s books: French for self-learner | Rachael Helps

Moving to Another House: A short story in French for self-learner [Level A1-A2]

We are back with another Storytelling’N French video, spoken by a native French speaker (HB), for learning French grammar and pronunciation. We made this video for the absolute beginner (A1 to A2) and self-learners. It’s to help them overcome learning difficulties in language studies. In this article, I’ll show you how to use this children […]

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Les trésors cachés du marketing, du business développement et de l'ingénierie pédagogique.

Les secrets ne sont pas secrets, ce sont simplement des trésors cachés qui attendent d'être découverts et exploités.

Les articles de ce blog s’appuient sur des années d'expérience éprouvée et profitable, de ce fait ils vont vous aiguiller à identifier ces trésors. 😉

Ils vous montreront comment tirer parti des informations en marketing, business développement et ingénierie pédagogique et de formation, ainsi que des logiciels digitaux, pour maximiser les opportunités qui vous entourent.✅